- 3D Face Monitoring
- 3G
- A
Digital Speech Effects Synthesizer
- A
personal voice library
- A Probabilistic Approach to Micropayment
- A
software suite for periodicity characterization of DNA sequences
- Adding Intelligence to
- Advanced
Encryption Standard
- Advanced
GAMP for Plant weave Technologies
- Advanced
Queue Management Techniques
- Aeronautical
- Agent
based modeling of electricity markets
- Agent
Mediated E-commerce
- Agile
Software development
- Aircars
- Aircraft
GPS Tracking
- Ambiophonics
- An
Electric Bicycle
- An
iPhone application for visualizing pollution maps
- Analysis
of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for Domestic Electrical appliances
- Analysis
on Performance of Freeware Tools
- Android
- Android
- Animatronics
- Antenna
Analysis Using Wavelet Representations
- Anti-Jamming
wireless systems
- Application
of ANN in Data Mining of Medical Images
- Application
of Genetic Algorithms in Network routing
- Application
of LED for Domestic Applications
- Applications
of Graph Theory to Metabolic Pathways
- Applications
of Soft Computing in Medical Image Analysis
- Applications
of speech recognition
- Approximate
string matching for Music retrieval
Schemes for Wireless Data Communications
- Artificial
- Artificial
immune system.
- Artificial
Intelligence in Machines
- Artificial
intelligence for speech recognition
- Artificial
Neural Networks
- Aspects
of Database Security and Program Security
- Aspect-oriented
- Attacks
on Smart Cards
- Augmented
Virtual Reality
- Authentication
and securing the systems
- Authoring
environments for open source courseware
- Automated
Network Address Assignment
- Automated
Software Testing of Applications
- Automatic
Device Driver Synthesis From Device Specifications
- Automatic
sound-based user grouping for real time online forums
- Automatic
Video Surveillance Systems
- Autonomic
- Automatic
number plate recognition
- Auto-pilots
- Backup
and Recovery planning
- Bandwidth
estimation in broadband access networks
- Bidirectional
Power Control for hybrid vehicles
- Bimolecular
- Bio
metrics IRIS technique
- Bio
sensors (photonics)
- Biochips
- BioComputers
- Bio-Medical
Instrumentation and Signal analysis
- Biometric
- Biometric
- Biometrics
Based Authentication
- Bio
metrics IRIS technique
- Bio-Molecular
- Bio
- Bionic
eye possible path toward artificial retina
- Bit
And Bytes
- Blade
- Blogs
& their Creation
- Blue
- Blu-ray
- Blue
sat Communications Protocol
- Blue-sat
Radio Switching Circuit
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth
Based Smart Sensor Networks
- Botnet
- Brain
computer interface
- Brain
Finger Print Technology
- Brian
Gate Technology
- Broad
Band Over Power Line
- Broadband
via satellite to Rural Areas
- Cable
- Capability
Maturity Model Programming (CMM)
- Capacity
of Ad-hoc Wireless Networks
- Capturing
packets in secured networks
- Carbon
nano tube electronics
- Carnivore
an fbi packet sniffer
- CD,
Wireless Data Transmitter
- Cellonics
- Cellular
- Cellular
Digital Packet Data
- Cellular
- Cellular
Neural Network
- Cellular
technologies and security.
- Censoring
private information from network packet traces
- Channel
Allocation Algorithms for Mobile Telephony
- Channel
Coding and Decoding for Mobile Communications
- Channel
Estimation in MIMO Systems
- Characterization
of Piezoelectric Elements
- Chess
- Choreography
- Circuit
and safety analysis system
- Classification,
Clustering and Application in Intrusion Detection System
- Classification,
Clustering and their Application for Damage Detection in Mechanical
- Clustering
Enterprise Java
- Cluster
- Coding
in high noise environments
- Cold
- Collaborative
Mobile Environments
- Combined
Input Output Queued Switches
- Compact
peripheral component interconnect (CPCI)
- Compliers
and its working
- Compression
and distribution of volumetric data sets
- Computational
Geometry in Drug Design
- Computational
Intelligence and Linguistics
- Computational
- Computational
- Computer
- Computer
Viruses(Malwares, Trojons, Spywares)
- Computerized
Paper Evaluation using Neural Network
- Concurrent
Programming and Parallel distributed O.S.
- Condition
Monitoring of Power System Equipment
- Conditional
Access System
- Content
Management Systems(WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc)
- Continuously
variable transmission (CVT)
- Control
& Signal Processing Techniques in Financial Engineering
- Control
and Optimization Methods in Communication Networks
- Control
of a 3-d overhead crane
- Control
of heterogeneous networks
- Control
System Wireless Interface
- Controlled
multimedia recording environment for lectures and 3D.
- Controller
design for a helicopter model
- Cooperative
Adaptive Cruise Control
- Co-operative
- corDECT
Wireless in Local Loop System
- Cross
Platform Component Object Model
- Crusoe
- Cryogenic
- Cryptography
and N/W security
- Cryptovirology
and DeCSS
- CT
- Cyberterrorism
- Data
Mining for Condition Monitoring of Power System Equipment
- Data
mining through Active Learning
- Data
over Cable System (DOCSIS)
- Data
Pre Processing
- Data
Security in Local Network using Distributed Firewalls
- Data
ware hosuing & mining
- DataBase
- Dataflow
- Datagram
Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)
- Dataset
Query algorithms in Streaming Mining
- Delay-Tolerant
- Dense
wavelength division multiplexing
- Design
& Implementation of a dual purpose microphone array.
- Design
and development of a programmable alarm system
- Design
and development of high-power white LED lighting system
- Design
of 2-D Filters using a Parallel Processor Architecture
- Design
of a wireless sensor board for measuring air pollution
- Design
of Amplifier for recording of Nerve Signals
- Design
of an all Electric Steering Wheel
- Design
of diamond-based Photonics devices
- Design
of IC Amplifiers for touch Sensors
- Design
of Low Density Parity Check Codes
- Design,
analysis, fabrication and testing of a composite leaf spring
- Determination
of efficiency of the Permanent Magnet Motors
- Developing
a own server system
- Development and
Control of Humanoid robot
- Development
of a Broadband Tunable Fiber Laser
- Development
of a New Sensor for Detecting Partial Discharge Induced Pressure
- Development
of a wind-turbine simulator
- Development
of new sensors for online monitoring of partial discharges
- Digit
recognition using neural network
- Digital
Audio Broadcasting
- Digital
Audio Effects Control by Accelerometry
- Digital
Audio’s Final Frontier-Class D Amplifier
- Digital
Camera Calibration and Inversion for Stereo iCinema
- Digital
- Digital
Neurons for Digital Brains
- Digital
Signal Processing and their applications
- Digital
- Digital
theatre system
- Digital
Video Editing
- Direct
to home television (DTH)
- Direct
to Home Television (DTH)
- Direct
Torque and Flux Control of IPMSM
- Distance
learning systems
- Domain
name servers [DNS]
- Driving
Optical Network Evolution
- Dual
Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
- Dynamic
Cache Management Technique
- Dynamic
Memory Allocation(malloc, calloc, NEW etc)
- Dynamic
resource allocation in Grid Computing
- Dynamic
source routing protocol
- Dynamic
Virtual Private Network
- Earth
Simulator- Fastest Supercomputer
- Effects
of large scale integration of PV systems on the distribution network
- Efficiency
/ Comparative study of routing schemes in event based systems
- Electromagnetic
Applications for Mobile and Satellite Communications
- Electromagnetic
launching system
- Electromagnetic
processor fabrication
- Electronic
nose & its application
- Elliptical
Curve Cryptography(ECC )
- Embedded
Configurable Operating system
- Embedded
system in automobiles
- Embedded
systems and VLSI an architectural approach to reduce leakage energy in memory
- Embedded
web server for remote access
- Embryonics
approach towards integrated circuits
- Emergency
Health Care System
- Emerging
trends in robotics using neural networks
A novel web mining approach
- Encrypted
Hard disks
- Encrypted
Text chat Using Bluetooth
- Encryption
Decryption Methods
- Energy-efficiency
and Layer Integration in Wireless Networks
- Enterprise
- Equalization
of room acoustics for audio reproduction
- Ethernet
Passive Optical Network
- E-Toll
tax fixing
- Evolution
Of Embedded System
- eXtensible
Bindings Language (XBL )
- Face
detection technology
- Facility
Layout Design using Genetic Algorithm
- Falls
detection using accelerometry and barometric pressure
- Fast
Convergence Algorithms for Active Noise Controlling Vehicles
- Fault
Tolerance in Virtual Machine Environments
- Fault
tolerant Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
- Ferroelectric
- Fine
Grained DataBase Security
- Fine-grained
Access Control in Databases
- FinFET
- Fingerprint
recognition system by neural networks
- Finite
Element Interface (FEI)
- Flexible
CRT Displays
- Fluorescent
Multilayer Disc (FMD)
- Fluorescent
Multilayer Optical Data Storage
- Forecasting
Wind Power
- Fractal
image compression
- Fractal
- Free
Space Laser Communications
- fully
digital class-D amplifiers
- Fully
Integrated Amp-Meter for Electrical Simulators
- Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Fusion
- Future
of the internet
- Future
Programming Techniques and Concepts
- Fuzzified
Computer-Automated Crane Control System
- Fuzzy
Logic Control for complex systems
- Gaming
- Gaming
interfaces applied to videoconferencing
- General
Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
- Generic
visual perception processor
- Geographic
information system
- Geometric
Invariants in Biological Molecules
- Gigabit
tools for web applications
- Global
positioning response system
- Global
Positioning System
- Global
System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
- Google
Android- Mobile OS from Google
Operating System
- Groupware
Security And Encryption
- Handfree
driving [auto]
- Hardware
EDAC for Harsh Environments
- Hardware
implementation of background image modeling
- HAVi:
Home Audio Video Interoperability
- Hawk
Eye – A Technology in sports
- High
Altitude Aeronautical Platforms
- High
Performance Clusters
- High
Performance Computing
- High
Performance DSP Architectures
- High
Speed Circuits for optical Interconnect
- High
Speed Data In Mobile Networks
- High
speed lans or Internet
- Holographic
Data Storage
- Holographic
- Holographic
Versatile Disc
- Holt-Winters
technique for Financial Forecasting
- HomeRF
and Bluetooth: A wireless data communications revolution
- Hot
Spot Technology
- Hyper
thread imax
- Hyper
thread technology
- Hyper
Transport Technology
- IC
Amplifier Design for Touch Sensors
- Image
transmission over WiMax Systems
- Image
- Implantable
on-chip Power Supplies
- Improving
tcp performance over mobile ad hoc networks
- Industrial
Applications using Neural Networks
- Information
Extraction from structured & Semi-structured data
- Information
Extraction modes & techniques
- Infrared
Remote Control
- Innovative
Application Development using J2EE Architecture
- Integrated
Circuit Design for Biomedical Applications
- Integrated
Optical Chip Design
- Integrated
Voice and Data transfer & handling
- Integrating
Structural Design and Formal Methods in Real Time System Design
- Integrating
Wind Power into the Electricity grid
- Integration
of Parallel Database in a Service Oriented Architecture
- Integration
of wind and solar energy in smart mini grid
- Intel
centrino mobile technology
- Intel
MMX Technology
- Intelligent
calling bell
- Intelligent
navigation system
- Intelligent
Patient Monitoring System
- Intelligent
- Intelligent
Software Agents
- Interactive
Voice Response System
- Internet
Access via Cable TV Network
- Internet
architecture and routing
- Internet
Protocol duplicate address detection and adaptation
- Internet
Protocol Television
- Internet
- Intrusion
Detection System
- Investigation
into solar thermal/coal driven power stations
- Investigation
of the real-time implementation of learning controllers
- IP
- IP
- iPhone
- Iris
- iSCSI:
The future of Network Storage
Loop magnetic couplers
- Java
Cryptography Architecture (JCA)
- Java
Messaging Service (JMS)
- Javaneans
Java-based technology
- Landmines
- Laptop
- Lazer
Power Supply
- Less
characterization of ferro-magnetic material for non-sinusoidal excitation
- Light
emitting polymers
- Light
Interception Image Analysis
- Light
- Lightning
Protection Using LFAM
- Liquid
Crystal on Silicon Display (LCOS)
- Location
estimation and trajectory prediction for PCS networks
- Long
baseline motion estimation
- Lotus
- Low
power filter design for mobile communication
- Low
Power UART Design for Serial Data Communication
- Low-Power
Microelectronics for Biomedical Implants
- Low-Power
Oscillator for Implants
- Magnetic
Random Access Memory
- Managing
Data In Multimedia Conferencing
- Mango-
new mobile from Microsoft
- Micro
chip production using extreme uv lithography
- Microsoft
- Middleware
for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Middleware
in Embedded Systems
- Migration
from GSM network to GPRS
- Mining
the Web: Searching, Integration and Discovery
- Mobile
Virtual Reality Service
- Mobility
Modeling and trajectory prediction for next generation PCS networks
- Modeling
of current spread through electrode geometries in implantable hearing
- Modeling
of wind turbine system for an Interior Permanent magnet generator
- Modems
and ISDN
- Moletronics-
an invisible technology
- Multi
Protocol Label Switching
- Multi
user Scheduling for MIMO broadcasting
- Multiple
client’s communication
- Multiple
Domain Orientation
- Multisensor
Fusion and Integration
- Navigation
of Mobile Wheeled Robots
- Nerve
Signal Measurement Electronics for Biomedical Implants
- Network
Attached Storage (NAS)
Non Volatile Static RAM
- On
Traffic Types and Priority Functions in Switched LAN Networks
- OpenGL-application
programming interface
- Optical
Burst Switching
- Optical
coherence tomography
- Optical
to electrical converter for optical interconnect
- Optimization
of Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks
- Optimization
of Protocol Stack for wireless networks
- Oracle
- Organic
- Outdoor
High Voltage Insulators
- Ovonic
Unified Memory
- Personal
Satellite assistant Systems
- PH
Control Technique using Fuzzy Logic
- Phone
Busy Indicator
- Pivot
Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing
- Plastic
chips & electronics
- Pluggable
Authentication Modules (PAM)
Tunable Fiber Laser
- POP –
Plaster Of Paris
- Power
Efficiency and Security in Smart Homes
- Proactive
Anomaly Detection
- Prototype
System Design for Telemedicine
- Public
Key Encryption and Digital Signature
- QoS
in Cellular Networks Based on MPT
- QoS
in Networking using active Networks
in software server Firewalls
- Quad-Core
- Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID)
- Real
time communication in wireless sensor networks
- Real
Time Operating Systems on Embedded ICs
- Real
Time Speech Translation
- Real
Time Systems with Linux/RTAI
- Real-time
JPIP for Interactive Multimedia
- Reliable
and Fault Tolerant Routing on Mobile Ad Hoc Network
- Renovating
the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- Revolutions
in the Operating System and Servers
- Robotic
- Room
Equalization for Audio Reproduction
- Ruby
on Rails [RoR]
- S/w
life cycle/affiliated programs
(Speech Application Language Tags)
- Sand
Box Technology
- Scheduling
design for wireless data networks
- Securing
the wireless network from unwanted exposure
- Security
of Open-Source Software
- Security
On Wireless LAN Adaptive cruise control
- Security
threats in the World Wide Web
- Sensor
fusion for video surveillance
- Sensors
on 3D Digitization
- Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP)
- Shallow
water Acoustic Networks
- Short
Message Service (SMS)
- Significance
of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP
- Simulating
Quantum Cryptography
- Simulation
of low-power converter for electromagnetic vibration driven
- Single
photon emission computed tomography
- Smart
camera for traffic surveillance
- Smart
Cameras in Embedded Systems
- Smart
- Snickometer
– A tool
- Socket
- Software
advances in wireless communication(Cognitive Radio, Dynamic spectrum
Access etc. )
- Software
Testing & Quality Assurance
- Space
- Space
- Spectrum
Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Speech
Enhancement for Cochlear Implants
- Speech
Enhancement for Mobile Applications
- Speech
transmission over WiMax systems
- Speed
Detection of moving vehicle using speed cameras
-Security Protocol For Sensor Network
- Split
Range Synchronization
- Stealth
(wireless sensor network )
- Surface-conduction
Electron-emitter Display (SED)
- Swarm
intelligence & traffic Safety
- Synchronous
Optical Networking
- Synthetic
Aperture Radar System
- Systems
Control for Tactical Missile Guidance
- Tele-immersion
- Temperature
controller [censored] indicator
- Terrestrial
Trunked Radio
- Testing
methods (Stress, Black-Box, White-Box, Performance Testing etc )
- The
Architecture of a Moletronics Computer
- The
potential impacts of electric vehicles on the local distribution network
- The
Tiger SHARC processor
- Thermal
infrared imaging technology
- Thought
Translation Device (TTD)
- Time
Shared O.S.
- Tracking
and Positioning of Mobiles in Telecommunication
- Trends
in Compiler Construction
- Ubiquitous
- Ultra
Low-Power Microphone Pre-Amplifier
- Ultra
Low-Power Radio Receiver for Biomedical Applications
- Ultrasonic
detector for monitoring partial discharge
- Ultra-Wideband
(Unlicensed Mobile Access )
- Vector
– LDPC Codes for 3G Fading Channels
(VHSIC Hardware Description Language)
- Video
conference System
- Virtual
Private Networks(VPNs)
- Virtual
LAN Technology
- Virtual
- Visual
Neuro Prosthetics
- Voice
Routing over IP Telephony
- Voice
Over Internet Protocol
Over Wireless LAN
- VQ In
Converging Telephony And Ip Networks
- Waterfall
model and its steps
- Watermarking
Digital Audio
- Web
Designing with HTML and CSS
- Wideband
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems
- Wireless
Computer Communications Using Sound Waves
- Wireless
Relay Communication
- Wireless
Sensor Network Security
- Working
of Search engines
- X-By-Wire
System , Communication Bus perspective
- X-Internet
- ZFS File system
06 April, 2012
Latest Technical Seminar Presentation Topics for Computer science | Electronics | Electrical | Mechanical | Civil | MCA
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