The message that
the U.S. conveyed to Iran via the most sensitive secret channels is
unequivocal: if Israel attacks, we won’t stand behind her and we
won’t be drawn into war.
In recent days,
senior American administration officials turned to their Iranian counterparts
via two countries in Europe which act as a back-channel during times of crisis.
They made clear to the Iranians that the U.S. does not intend to be sucked into
a campaign if Israel decides to strike unilaterally and without advance
coordination [with the U.S.], and they said that they expect from Iran that it
will not attack strategic American targets in the Persian Gulf.”
Based on what we
know of Obama’s childhood, coupled with his 57 states gaffe during the 2008
campaign (there are 50 states of the United States, but the commoly accepted
number of Muslim states is 57), it’s clear Obama is, in fact, a Muslim despite
any assurances to the contrary. (His 20 year span of listening to Rev. Wright
doesn’t count as anything other than listening to “hate whitey” speeches)
Obama has
repeatedly delayed military equipment shipments to Israel. ( Interestingly, most
American Jews support Obama since most are far left wingers, as is our Marxist
Dear Leader.) This was done in an obvious effort to thwart an Israeli attack on
Iran. It may be a surprise to know that Israel has a somewhat limited cache of
conventional weapons, although an Israeli defector confirmed that Israel has
over 300 atomic bombs.
Israeli F-15
fighter aircraft number around 87, while there are in the neighborhood of 340
F-16′s. Israel has only five or so large refueling tankers. So, why no U.S.
outrage over Israel’s 300 nukes, but a great cry over Iran’s nuclear program?
The thinking, of course, is that Israel is run by a bunch of mature,
level-headed conservatives chosen by God ( Interestingly, the book of
Revelation states that the final Jewish remnant wil be 144,000–give that some
thought in relation to the total number of people out there who claim to
be Jewish), while Iran is led by a few insane Muslim clerics. Thus, Iran is a
much greater threat. ( Um, yeah, OK )
Now, let’s get
to the meat of the problem. Israel feels it MUST hit Iran soon, but the U.S.
has just made crystal clear its intention to not help Israel. ( You may be
surprised to learn that there are no mutual assistance defense treaties between
Israel and the U.S., but we have been their butt buddy since the 1950′s so
Congress would likely authorize aid and assistance, but there is a wee problem
with that.)
The problem is
that Obama has been replacing our regular military leaders with those who put
politics above national interest and national survival.
The assumption
has been that we are building up a large military presence in the Gulf region
to assist Israel. The hard truth may be that we will use those forces to help
Iran against Israel. Romney will help Israel, but Israel may not be able to
wait until election day to attack Iran. Without U.S. help, Israel would be
forced to use at least a few small nukes to defeat Iran. At that point, various
treaty obligations would kick in with countries such as China and Russia and we
would have a real big issue that would result……………..WWIII.
There is much
chatter on the internet about something big happening soon. I believe those
feelings are correct and the incident will involve millions of casualties.