- 3D Face Monitoring
- 3G
- A
Digital Speech Effects Synthesizer
- A
personal voice library
- A Probabilistic Approach to Micropayment
- A
software suite for periodicity characterization of DNA sequences
- Adding Intelligence to
- Advanced
Encryption Standard
- Advanced
GAMP for Plant weave Technologies
- Advanced
Queue Management Techniques
- Aeronautical
- Agent
based modeling of electricity markets
- Agent
Mediated E-commerce
- Agile
Software development
- Aircars
- Aircraft
GPS Tracking
- Ambiophonics
- An
Electric Bicycle
- An
iPhone application for visualizing pollution maps
- Analysis
of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for Domestic Electrical appliances
- Analysis
on Performance of Freeware Tools
- Android
- Android
- Animatronics
- Antenna
Analysis Using Wavelet Representations
- Anti-Jamming
wireless systems
- Application
of ANN in Data Mining of Medical Images
- Application
of Genetic Algorithms in Network routing
- Application
of LED for Domestic Applications
- Applications
of Graph Theory to Metabolic Pathways
- Applications
of Soft Computing in Medical Image Analysis
- Applications
of speech recognition
- Approximate
string matching for Music retrieval
Schemes for Wireless Data Communications
- Artificial
- Artificial
immune system.
- Artificial
Intelligence in Machines
- Artificial
intelligence for speech recognition
- Artificial
Neural Networks
- Aspects
of Database Security and Program Security
- Aspect-oriented
- Attacks
on Smart Cards
- Augmented
Virtual Reality
- Authentication
and securing the systems
- Authoring
environments for open source courseware
- Automated
Network Address Assignment
- Automated
Software Testing of Applications
- Automatic
Device Driver Synthesis From Device Specifications
- Automatic
sound-based user grouping for real time online forums
- Automatic
Video Surveillance Systems
- Autonomic
- Automatic
number plate recognition
- Auto-pilots
- Backup
and Recovery planning
- Bandwidth
estimation in broadband access networks
- Bidirectional
Power Control for hybrid vehicles
- Bimolecular
- Bio
metrics IRIS technique
- Bio
sensors (photonics)
- Biochips
- BioComputers
- Bio-Medical
Instrumentation and Signal analysis
- Biometric
- Biometric
- Biometrics
Based Authentication
- Bio
metrics IRIS technique
- Bio-Molecular
- Bio
- Bionic
eye possible path toward artificial retina
- Bit
And Bytes
- Blade
- Blogs
& their Creation
- Blue
- Blu-ray
- Blue
sat Communications Protocol
- Blue-sat
Radio Switching Circuit
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth
Based Smart Sensor Networks
- Botnet
- Brain
computer interface
- Brain
Finger Print Technology
- Brian
Gate Technology
- Broad
Band Over Power Line
- Broadband
via satellite to Rural Areas
- Cable
- Capability
Maturity Model Programming (CMM)
- Capacity
of Ad-hoc Wireless Networks
- Capturing
packets in secured networks
- Carbon
nano tube electronics
- Carnivore
an fbi packet sniffer
- CD,
Wireless Data Transmitter
- Cellonics
- Cellular
- Cellular
Digital Packet Data
- Cellular
- Cellular
Neural Network
- Cellular
technologies and security.
- Censoring
private information from network packet traces
- Channel
Allocation Algorithms for Mobile Telephony
- Channel
Coding and Decoding for Mobile Communications
- Channel
Estimation in MIMO Systems
- Characterization
of Piezoelectric Elements
- Chess
- Choreography
- Circuit
and safety analysis system
- Classification,
Clustering and Application in Intrusion Detection System
- Classification,
Clustering and their Application for Damage Detection in Mechanical
- Clustering
Enterprise Java
- Cluster
- Coding
in high noise environments
- Cold
- Collaborative
Mobile Environments
- Combined
Input Output Queued Switches
- Compact
peripheral component interconnect (CPCI)
- Compliers
and its working
- Compression
and distribution of volumetric data sets
- Computational
Geometry in Drug Design
- Computational
Intelligence and Linguistics
- Computational
- Computational
- Computer
- Computer
Viruses(Malwares, Trojons, Spywares)
- Computerized
Paper Evaluation using Neural Network
- Concurrent
Programming and Parallel distributed O.S.
- Condition
Monitoring of Power System Equipment
- Conditional
Access System
- Content
Management Systems(WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc)
- Continuously
variable transmission (CVT)
- Control
& Signal Processing Techniques in Financial Engineering
- Control
and Optimization Methods in Communication Networks
- Control
of a 3-d overhead crane
- Control
of heterogeneous networks
- Control
System Wireless Interface
- Controlled
multimedia recording environment for lectures and 3D.
- Controller
design for a helicopter model
- Cooperative
Adaptive Cruise Control
- Co-operative
- corDECT
Wireless in Local Loop System
- Cross
Platform Component Object Model
- Crusoe
- Cryogenic
- Cryptography
and N/W security
- Cryptovirology
and DeCSS
- CT
- Cyberterrorism
- Data
Mining for Condition Monitoring of Power System Equipment
- Data
mining through Active Learning
- Data
over Cable System (DOCSIS)
- Data
Pre Processing
- Data
Security in Local Network using Distributed Firewalls
- Data
ware hosuing & mining
- DataBase
- Dataflow
- Datagram
Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)
- Dataset
Query algorithms in Streaming Mining
- Delay-Tolerant
- Dense
wavelength division multiplexing
- Design
& Implementation of a dual purpose microphone array.
- Design
and development of a programmable alarm system
- Design
and development of high-power white LED lighting system
- Design
of 2-D Filters using a Parallel Processor Architecture
- Design
of a wireless sensor board for measuring air pollution
- Design
of Amplifier for recording of Nerve Signals
- Design
of an all Electric Steering Wheel
- Design
of diamond-based Photonics devices
- Design
of IC Amplifiers for touch Sensors
- Design
of Low Density Parity Check Codes
- Design,
analysis, fabrication and testing of a composite leaf spring
- Determination
of efficiency of the Permanent Magnet Motors
- Developing
a own server system
- Development and
Control of Humanoid robot
- Development
of a Broadband Tunable Fiber Laser
- Development
of a New Sensor for Detecting Partial Discharge Induced Pressure
- Development
of a wind-turbine simulator
- Development
of new sensors for online monitoring of partial discharges
- Digit
recognition using neural network
- Digital
Audio Broadcasting
- Digital
Audio Effects Control by Accelerometry
- Digital
Audio’s Final Frontier-Class D Amplifier
- Digital
Camera Calibration and Inversion for Stereo iCinema
- Digital
- Digital
Neurons for Digital Brains
- Digital
Signal Processing and their applications
- Digital
- Digital
theatre system
- Digital
Video Editing
- Direct
to home television (DTH)
- Direct
to Home Television (DTH)
- Direct
Torque and Flux Control of IPMSM
- Distance
learning systems
- Domain
name servers [DNS]
- Driving
Optical Network Evolution
- Dual
Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
- Dynamic
Cache Management Technique
- Dynamic
Memory Allocation(malloc, calloc, NEW etc)
- Dynamic
resource allocation in Grid Computing
- Dynamic
source routing protocol
- Dynamic
Virtual Private Network
- Earth
Simulator- Fastest Supercomputer
- Effects
of large scale integration of PV systems on the distribution network
- Efficiency
/ Comparative study of routing schemes in event based systems
- Electromagnetic
Applications for Mobile and Satellite Communications
- Electromagnetic
launching system
- Electromagnetic
processor fabrication
- Electronic
nose & its application
- Elliptical
Curve Cryptography(ECC )
- Embedded
Configurable Operating system
- Embedded
system in automobiles
- Embedded
systems and VLSI an architectural approach to reduce leakage energy in memory
- Embedded
web server for remote access
- Embryonics
approach towards integrated circuits
- Emergency
Health Care System
- Emerging
trends in robotics using neural networks
A novel web mining approach
- Encrypted
Hard disks
- Encrypted
Text chat Using Bluetooth
- Encryption
Decryption Methods
- Energy-efficiency
and Layer Integration in Wireless Networks
- Enterprise
- Equalization
of room acoustics for audio reproduction
- Ethernet
Passive Optical Network
- E-Toll
tax fixing
- Evolution
Of Embedded System
- eXtensible
Bindings Language (XBL )
- Face
detection technology
- Facility
Layout Design using Genetic Algorithm
- Falls
detection using accelerometry and barometric pressure
- Fast
Convergence Algorithms for Active Noise Controlling Vehicles
- Fault
Tolerance in Virtual Machine Environments
- Fault
tolerant Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
- Ferroelectric
- Fine
Grained DataBase Security
- Fine-grained
Access Control in Databases
- FinFET
- Fingerprint
recognition system by neural networks
- Finite
Element Interface (FEI)
- Flexible
CRT Displays
- Fluorescent
Multilayer Disc (FMD)
- Fluorescent
Multilayer Optical Data Storage
- Forecasting
Wind Power
- Fractal
image compression
- Fractal
- Free
Space Laser Communications
- fully
digital class-D amplifiers
- Fully
Integrated Amp-Meter for Electrical Simulators
- Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Fusion
- Future
of the internet
- Future
Programming Techniques and Concepts
- Fuzzified
Computer-Automated Crane Control System
- Fuzzy
Logic Control for complex systems
- Gaming
- Gaming
interfaces applied to videoconferencing
- General
Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
- Generic
visual perception processor
- Geographic
information system
- Geometric
Invariants in Biological Molecules
- Gigabit
tools for web applications
- Global
positioning response system
- Global
Positioning System
- Global
System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
- Google
Android- Mobile OS from Google
Operating System
- Groupware
Security And Encryption
- Handfree
driving [auto]
- Hardware
EDAC for Harsh Environments
- Hardware
implementation of background image modeling
- HAVi:
Home Audio Video Interoperability
- Hawk
Eye – A Technology in sports
- High
Altitude Aeronautical Platforms
- High
Performance Clusters
- High
Performance Computing
- High
Performance DSP Architectures
- High
Speed Circuits for optical Interconnect
- High
Speed Data In Mobile Networks
- High
speed lans or Internet
- Holographic
Data Storage
- Holographic
- Holographic
Versatile Disc
- Holt-Winters
technique for Financial Forecasting
- HomeRF
and Bluetooth: A wireless data communications revolution
- Hot
Spot Technology
- Hyper
thread imax
- Hyper
thread technology
- Hyper
Transport Technology
- IC
Amplifier Design for Touch Sensors
- Image
transmission over WiMax Systems
- Image
- Implantable
on-chip Power Supplies
- Improving
tcp performance over mobile ad hoc networks
- Industrial
Applications using Neural Networks
- Information
Extraction from structured & Semi-structured data
- Information
Extraction modes & techniques
- Infrared
Remote Control
- Innovative
Application Development using J2EE Architecture
- Integrated
Circuit Design for Biomedical Applications
- Integrated
Optical Chip Design
- Integrated
Voice and Data transfer & handling
- Integrating
Structural Design and Formal Methods in Real Time System Design
- Integrating
Wind Power into the Electricity grid
- Integration
of Parallel Database in a Service Oriented Architecture
- Integration
of wind and solar energy in smart mini grid
- Intel
centrino mobile technology
- Intel
MMX Technology
- Intelligent
calling bell
- Intelligent
navigation system
- Intelligent
Patient Monitoring System
- Intelligent
- Intelligent
Software Agents
- Interactive
Voice Response System
- Internet
Access via Cable TV Network
- Internet
architecture and routing
- Internet
Protocol duplicate address detection and adaptation
- Internet
Protocol Television
- Internet
- Intrusion
Detection System
- Investigation
into solar thermal/coal driven power stations
- Investigation
of the real-time implementation of learning controllers
- IP
- IP
- iPhone
- Iris
- iSCSI:
The future of Network Storage
Loop magnetic couplers
- Java
Cryptography Architecture (JCA)
- Java
Messaging Service (JMS)
- Javaneans
Java-based technology
- Landmines
- Laptop
- Lazer
Power Supply
- Less
characterization of ferro-magnetic material for non-sinusoidal excitation
- Light
emitting polymers
- Light
Interception Image Analysis
- Light
- Lightning
Protection Using LFAM
- Liquid
Crystal on Silicon Display (LCOS)
- Location
estimation and trajectory prediction for PCS networks
- Long
baseline motion estimation
- Lotus
- Low
power filter design for mobile communication
- Low
Power UART Design for Serial Data Communication
- Low-Power
Microelectronics for Biomedical Implants
- Low-Power
Oscillator for Implants
- Magnetic
Random Access Memory
- Managing
Data In Multimedia Conferencing
- Mango-
new mobile from Microsoft
- Micro
chip production using extreme uv lithography
- Microsoft
- Middleware
for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Middleware
in Embedded Systems
- Migration
from GSM network to GPRS
- Mining
the Web: Searching, Integration and Discovery
- Mobile
Virtual Reality Service
- Mobility
Modeling and trajectory prediction for next generation PCS networks
- Modeling
of current spread through electrode geometries in implantable hearing
- Modeling
of wind turbine system for an Interior Permanent magnet generator
- Modems
and ISDN
- Moletronics-
an invisible technology
- Multi
Protocol Label Switching
- Multi
user Scheduling for MIMO broadcasting
- Multiple
client’s communication
- Multiple
Domain Orientation
- Multisensor
Fusion and Integration
- Navigation
of Mobile Wheeled Robots
- Nerve
Signal Measurement Electronics for Biomedical Implants
- Network
Attached Storage (NAS)
Non Volatile Static RAM
- On
Traffic Types and Priority Functions in Switched LAN Networks
- OpenGL-application
programming interface
- Optical
Burst Switching
- Optical
coherence tomography
- Optical
to electrical converter for optical interconnect
- Optimization
of Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks
- Optimization
of Protocol Stack for wireless networks
- Oracle
- Organic
- Outdoor
High Voltage Insulators
- Ovonic
Unified Memory
- Personal
Satellite assistant Systems
- PH
Control Technique using Fuzzy Logic
- Phone
Busy Indicator
- Pivot
Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing
- Plastic
chips & electronics
- Pluggable
Authentication Modules (PAM)
Tunable Fiber Laser
- POP –
Plaster Of Paris
- Power
Efficiency and Security in Smart Homes
- Proactive
Anomaly Detection
- Prototype
System Design for Telemedicine
- Public
Key Encryption and Digital Signature
- QoS
in Cellular Networks Based on MPT
- QoS
in Networking using active Networks
in software server Firewalls
- Quad-Core
- Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID)
- Real
time communication in wireless sensor networks
- Real
Time Operating Systems on Embedded ICs
- Real
Time Speech Translation
- Real
Time Systems with Linux/RTAI
- Real-time
JPIP for Interactive Multimedia
- Reliable
and Fault Tolerant Routing on Mobile Ad Hoc Network
- Renovating
the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- Revolutions
in the Operating System and Servers
- Robotic
- Room
Equalization for Audio Reproduction
- Ruby
on Rails [RoR]
- S/w
life cycle/affiliated programs
(Speech Application Language Tags)
- Sand
Box Technology
- Scheduling
design for wireless data networks
- Securing
the wireless network from unwanted exposure
- Security
of Open-Source Software
- Security
On Wireless LAN Adaptive cruise control
- Security
threats in the World Wide Web
- Sensor
fusion for video surveillance
- Sensors
on 3D Digitization
- Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP)
- Shallow
water Acoustic Networks
- Short
Message Service (SMS)
- Significance
of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP
- Simulating
Quantum Cryptography
- Simulation
of low-power converter for electromagnetic vibration driven
- Single
photon emission computed tomography
- Smart
camera for traffic surveillance
- Smart
Cameras in Embedded Systems
- Smart
- Snickometer
– A tool
- Socket
- Software
advances in wireless communication(Cognitive Radio, Dynamic spectrum
Access etc. )
- Software
Testing & Quality Assurance
- Space
- Space
- Spectrum
Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Speech
Enhancement for Cochlear Implants
- Speech
Enhancement for Mobile Applications
- Speech
transmission over WiMax systems
- Speed
Detection of moving vehicle using speed cameras
-Security Protocol For Sensor Network
- Split
Range Synchronization
- Stealth
(wireless sensor network )
- Surface-conduction
Electron-emitter Display (SED)
- Swarm
intelligence & traffic Safety
- Synchronous
Optical Networking
- Synthetic
Aperture Radar System
- Systems
Control for Tactical Missile Guidance
- Tele-immersion
- Temperature
controller [censored] indicator
- Terrestrial
Trunked Radio
- Testing
methods (Stress, Black-Box, White-Box, Performance Testing etc )
- The
Architecture of a Moletronics Computer
- The
potential impacts of electric vehicles on the local distribution network
- The
Tiger SHARC processor
- Thermal
infrared imaging technology
- Thought
Translation Device (TTD)
- Time
Shared O.S.
- Tracking
and Positioning of Mobiles in Telecommunication
- Trends
in Compiler Construction
- Ubiquitous
- Ultra
Low-Power Microphone Pre-Amplifier
- Ultra
Low-Power Radio Receiver for Biomedical Applications
- Ultrasonic
detector for monitoring partial discharge
- Ultra-Wideband
(Unlicensed Mobile Access )
- Vector
– LDPC Codes for 3G Fading Channels
(VHSIC Hardware Description Language)
- Video
conference System
- Virtual
Private Networks(VPNs)
- Virtual
LAN Technology
- Virtual
- Visual
Neuro Prosthetics
- Voice
Routing over IP Telephony
- Voice
Over Internet Protocol
Over Wireless LAN
- VQ In
Converging Telephony And Ip Networks
- Waterfall
model and its steps
- Watermarking
Digital Audio
- Web
Designing with HTML and CSS
- Wideband
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems
- Wireless
Computer Communications Using Sound Waves
- Wireless
Relay Communication
- Wireless
Sensor Network Security
- Working
of Search engines
- X-By-Wire
System , Communication Bus perspective
- X-Internet
- ZFS File system
06 April, 2012
Latest Technical Seminar Presentation Topics for Computer science | Electronics | Electrical | Mechanical | Civil | MCA
21 March, 2012
How to earn money from your twitter account | 5 services
A well said quote, “Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.” Most of us normally want to know how to earn money online sitting in our room. Even we spend lots of time doing research on it, but our research goes fruitless most of the time. Even if we able to find a way, that is not satisfactory. Now I’ll tell you how to earn money through internet. There are several ways to earn money online such as by sponsored review, by also doing freelancer job, advertisement or also “by using twitter”. Yes, this is true; you can make money through your twitter account. There are many ways to get your wallet full. But I’m going to explain it in a series.
1. MyLikes: MyLikes is world’s largest ad platform for the web people. It is a social media advertising platform that empowers publishers to promote what they like. It also helps the publishers to engage their audiences while making money. This service has a variety of campaigns to choose from. But you should simply choose a campaign apposite to your audience. You just have to write a prompt and then tweet it. Here you are paid on a “per-click” basis. MyLikes tracks all of your campaigns to formulate a quality score for each user. If you higher your quality scores, then you will be paid more per click.MyLikes pays you on a weekly basis via PayPal or also through Amazon gift cards.
2. RevTwt: RevTwt is a twitter ad service. The quality of the ads can be low. Most of the ads are for surveys, offers or quizzes that some people may consider a scam. The minimum Payout of RevTwt is $20. Payment is done via PayPal. These types of ads are difficult to get clicks and make money with Twitter. So, you have to sign up with RevTwt with a twitter account with many followers and a reputation. The interesting part is RevTwt offers a URL shortener like bit.ly. The links shortened using this URL shortener will not directly go to the linked specified rather display a page of ads before redirecting the user to the specified link. This works for twitter, but can also be useful on your blog or any other website to attempt to gain revenue. This URL shortener has a lot of potential.
3. SponsoredTweets: It is possibly the most reputable twitter ad service.The basic criteria of sponsoredTweets are: Minimum Payout $50 earned, 60 day old Twitter account, 50 followers, and 100 status updates. SponsoredTweets is run by “Izea”. Izea is a social media marketing company who has seen success with sponsored blog post service, SocialSpark.The quality of the ads is slightly better than RevTwt, and there is an opportunity for more. SponsoredTweets allows you to set your own PPCfor Twitter ads in case specific advertisers want to put ads out using your Twitter account.PPC stands for pay per click. It is useful for bigger Twitter accounts.It offers little or no opportunity for smaller Twitter accounts.
4.Twittad: Twittadprovides an opportunity for Twitter users to display advertisements on their user profiles. It utilizes the twitter API. It is the last service only because it is limiting for Twitter accounts with little followers. Its Payout is $30minimum and payment is given via PayPal. Twittad does not have default ads to post to twitter upon account creation, unlike both RevTwt and SponsoredTweets. Twittad allows you to set your PPC on the ads, but you have to wait till the advertisers accept your price and give you an ad to post on twitter.
5. Ad.ly: Ad.ly is an online ad agency on twitter. It has a huge celebrity stable that posts, tweets and pulls in up to the six figures. Ad.ly, apart from Sponsored Tweets is the most professional looking and better twitters ad service in the market. Its minimum Payout: $50 minimum via PayPal or through Check also. Payment is transferred once in a month.This service doesn't have any default ads to post though. So it becomes difficult for users without huge accounts to make money with the service. If you do have a prominent twitter account, getting quality advertisement offers that are targeted to your specific twitter account is a great way to post advertisements.
19 March, 2012
Best practices for protecting yourself online|10 Facebook Privacy setting tips
Are you a FB
user? Then this article is a must for you. You are sharing your private
information, your family & personal photos. What will happen if you come to
know that these things are viewed to people you don’t want? Good knowledge of
Facebook privacy settings fine-tunes the privacy of your photos, your status
updates, and other important stuffs. Facebook’s privacy policy almost covers
all the little issues of your account that matters to you. Even you can manage
things to that extent that you yourself can’t even believe. But what matters
the most is that you must have the sufficient knowledge of these settings.Another
important fact is these settings are not permanent. Facebook always make
changes to it settings & looks. Facebook has its own default privacy
settings for its users which are not adequate.So, read this article very
carefully & be a master of Facebook.
Editing your FB profile is the most important thing. You shouldseclude
your personal information like your date of birth, your address, your contact
number and stuff. So, in your privacy setting, select “friends” in place of “public”.
This is a kind of primary safeguard. Here you can also make your profile
visible to some selected people & even you can restrict some particular
people from viewing your profile contents.
yourself from Facebook & Google search results:
of us want keep our personal life secret due to various reasons. This will be
useful to them. To make yourself unavailable in the Facebook search you have to
go through the following path.
setting ->How you connect
are several options available. You can manage them according to your wish.
Some people enjoy when they find themselves searching in some
search engines. But, sometimes it puts you in someserious problems. So it is
always a better option to make you unavailable in the search engines. This can
be done by removing yourself from the index of the search engines. Do this by
simply unchecking the box of Public search result. The path for this is given
Privacy setting ->Apps &
websites-> Edit setting ->Public search-> Edit setting
Avoid the
notorious photo tagging:
people get their relationships in some kind of problems just due to the photos
of Facebook they are tagged in. Here you may blame their trust on themselves
but still this factor is responsible. Though there are several ways to overcome
these factors but the simplest way is to avoid showing compromising photos to
friends. The path is as follows.
Privacy setting -> custom->only
this will block all people from viewing any images or videos that you’ve been
tagged in. Though many Facebook users want their friends to see the photos
they’ve been tagged in.
Protect your
personal album& existing photos:
should make your photos and albums private. You will never want to share your
private photos with all the people, with friends neither in some cases. So it’s
an essential step to make those things private or available to only friends.
You can even set privacy per album. Isn’t it great?
Restrict your
apps to use your information:
important to understand what of your information applications can access. The more restrictive you make your profile settings, the less
information that’s available to applications.
Make your contact private:
So many
people use Facebook for their professional as well as personal use. When someone starts approving friend requests
from the people not having strong relationships, then it becomes more important
to limit the visibility of contact details.
Avoid frustrating
posts on your timeline:
you check your Facebook account, hoping that there will be funny comments on
your wall or a picture comment telling you how pretty you are or see a
friendrequest. But what you see is just weird. Another thing is, you just saw a
post of your friend showing something exceptional or may be vulgar and when you
tried to hide it just posted on your timeline. Avoid these kinds of posts.
Keep your
friends’ list private:
of us want to show thehuge number of friends they have or how famous they are
on internet. But some just don’t because of some genuine reasons. Because
sometime one of your friends just opens your friend list and send friend
request to someone anonymously, it may be your girlfriend’s name or your
sister’s. So, protect your friend list.
Go to find friends -> Manage friend
list -> Edit
This is a service that lets third-party websites to personalize your
experience. It allows access to your personal data which is harmful.It also let
you see relevant information about your friends when you arrive on the partner
websites. It is similar to how News feed surfaces the people and things you
care about.Instant personalization helps you find friends and interesting
content on other websites. They've partnered with a few companies, like Pandora,
Bing, Yelp, Rotten Tomatoes, Clicker, Scribd, Docs &TripAdvisor, to make
these sites more fun and useful the moment you arrive. They impress you by immediately
playing the music you like or displaying friends' reviews or stuff.
Enabling “HTTPS”
or Secure browsing:
Here you can set up secure browsing or login alerts. “Secure
browsing” browse Facebook securely when possible. It sends you a mail when you
are logged in from a new computer or device. When someone hacks into your
account or data no privacy setting in this world can protect you. While
enabling https service, you can make thing harder for someone connected to the
same network to hack your password or data. “HTTPS” is useful to online
security on all web services not just Facebook.
How to get the most out of Pinterest| 10 cool tips & tricks
Mainly Pinterest is a site that allows you bookmark websites in a visually attractive fashion by pinning what interests you to one or more boards you have created. It also offers the usual network possibility of friends, following etc. It’s a virtual pinboard where you share and organize things you like. Here we will guide you to get the most out of Pinterest through 10 cool tips & tricks
Tip#1. Monitor useful resources: This can be a very useful thing for you if you are a visual person. Here you can create unique boards for your each aspect. There you can pin interesting things online to your individual boards. You can use Pinterest books for your systematic bookmarking. This keeps things simple and easy to get instead of a chaotic bookmark.
Tip#2. Some specialplanning: Are you getting married or having a big party? Pinterest can give you a great support to organize stuffs visually and to get track of great ideas or inspirations you found online. Here you just have to pin about your occasion or pin the stuffs you want to use. Then certainly you will get useful comments to your pin which will help you organize your party in a more dazzling way.
Tip#3. Add Price tag: When you are pinning a product, just add a tag like "My Favorite iPod $49.99". Then Pinterest will automatically add the $498.99 as a banner in the corner.This is a good help to save time to open up the links to find the price of the product.
Tip#4. Prepare your own “Wishlist”: Is your birthday coming and you are looking for a certain gift?Do others know about your wish for your birthday? Don’t let the chance go empty. Create a Wishlist Board on Pinterest and point your friends or family to it for idea. In this way chances are better that you get that particular gift. Isn’t it great?
Tip#5. Do-Follow Links: Pinterest links are dofollow links. Now don’t pin all of your sites.It’s a wild act. I don’t think that they are all useful. And if Pinterest gets stunned by spammers it only takes a few lines of code and all outgoing links will be nofollow overnight. Already happened to Twitter, is certain to happen to Pinterest also may be sooner or later.
Tip#6. Bookmark your “Pinit” button:The Pinit button is easy to install. Get it at the goodies page on Pinterestandand just drag the button into your bookmarks bar. After installation, whenever you find anything special to pin then just click on the button.
Tip#7. Planning a tour: This is a very cool tip.When you are planning for a family trip, just search for the place on Pinterest. Then the Pinterest search engine will look at the boards and will fetch you pins having different and excellent ideas.
Tip#8. Gift Selections:This is my completedesired tip. One prides himself in finding the perfect gift for people. It has to be original, thoughtful, and exceptional. It’s a tough job to find a gift for someone that will be loved by the person. But Pinterest just became a new guide to shopping idea book. They don’t sell anything. They just suggest you pins of thousands of people to make you more comfortable to find the best you are looking for.
Tip#9. Follow individual boards: The best thing about Pinterest is you can follow individual boards here. You don’t have to follow a person. To subscribe to individual boards, click on the name of any Pinterest user and you'll see all their boards. If you follow the person, you'll follow all their boards. Else, just pick and select the boards you need.
Tip#10. Use Pinterest for topics that don't fit into your blog position: Many blogger branches out from their main position after blogging for few time. If you are someone with varying tastes, encourage your readers to follow a particular board on Pinterest for "more on that subject."
How to make Pinterest work for you| 5 tips
Pinterest is an online virtual pinboard where you share and organize things you like. Pin it to win it: It’s a social photo sharing network where you share photos you like, give comments to photos and repin an image. It’s a social network that connects people across the globe through the things they find interesting. It’s mostly popular among women. It’s been a huge and faster growing social network. Here we present you 5 ways why you should be on Pinterest.
1.Very useful for your business:New and fresh ideas on using Pinterest are cropping up all the time but the most important thing is it is very much useful for your business. Now I’ll tell you how.
a. You can conduct market research:You can get the first hand reaction and feedback of your new product by using Pinterest as a focus group. You can find out the favorite products of your fans. Encourage them to pin their photos with your product.
b. You can sell product:Add a “$” or “£” to your pin description and Pinterest will create a price banner for you. Then visitors can buy the product by following to the product’s location and buy over there. It’s a kind of gateway to your website.
c. You can use Pinterest to Portray Your Brand and Build Relationships: It’s a great way to portray your product by pinning a photo of your product or services to the website and which will help to express your product’s or services’ theme to your customers. An addition to it you make relationship with your customer by providing them helpful information regarding your product and services.
2. seful for study purpose - A classroom asset: Pinterest is also useful to a great extent for your study. Since all are inning something special and useful that’s why you can find your favorite referrals whether you be a teacher or student. Now I’m telling you how.
a. Browse the education category:Visit the education category of Pinterest where you can find variety of educational topics. There you can get the boards where you can find the topics you are looking for and you also refer them for your project or study purpose.
b. Get your own board: you can create a board of your own to pin the online information for your further reference in your classroom. You can use it as an organizational tool for your study purpose. Here an excellent visual is also provided to remember and have quick access to your requirements.
c. Useful for research purpose &to find projects:Students and Parents can have a quick search on their school & college projects through a wide variety of boards. It makes easier to finish the projects easier. Now, students can also use it for their research purpose, when they are working on a group research. They can create a board of their own which will be much helpful.
3. Use it in your social media marketing: You can use Pinterest for your social media marketing. Having more than 10 million users it’s a great platform for you to market. I’ll tell you how.
a. Make use of your visual products: As this is a visual sharing site, so you should make a good use of your visual products through cool pics. This will drive traffic to your website and take your product to a new level.
b. Promote your content: Here you can promote you content in the social media networks. You can create twitter and Facebook posts and link them to your Pinterest pages. This is how your product can have a great promotion.
c. Share & care: You can pin the photos of the satisfied customers along with their feedback. This will create a good and warm feeling about your product. Because people trust the customers view more than anything else. You can also give comments to other’s pin. This is how you can make them feel special. This will advertise you far positively.
4. Useful for bloggers: Pinterest is a very convenient network for bloggers. It’s not an easy job to drive a huge traffic to your blog unless you are among most popular bloggers. But with the help of Pinterest you can build up traffic for your website. Making a good use of Pinterest lets you to have a huge number of new reader and visitors to your blog. Bloggers use many tools for their promotion but can be a handy one. What a non-user can’t understand is a different page has its unique landing page. So give high quality pictures to attract more to your blog.
5. Manages your day to day life: The primary mission of Pinterest is to connect people worldwide through the things they find interesting. In our daily routine life we find many things that we want to share. I’ll tell you how.
a. Home decoration: You can get new ideas for your home decoration. You can get fresh patterns to decorate your room. You can also get ideas of the latest furniture and home stuffs over here in Pinterest.
b. Discover latest fashions: Here in Pinterest you can easily find you style and latest fashion. Here you can get options for your clothing, shoes & stuffs. You can also pin your choice which will help others.
c. Helps you in your profession:If you are a designer then you can get new design inspirations for yourself which will help you create new and innovative designs. Similarly if you are a cook then you can get gluten free recipes for yourself. Here you can have a great collection of appetizers and desserts to make your & your customers’ stomach happy.
d. Refer for special occasions: Pinterest can be referredwhile you are planning for something special. When someone is planning for his wedding then he/she can pin his stuffs and can get comments on them. This will help him/her to have the best. One can choose the best flower, suit & stuff. Because with Pinterest the best comes up.
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