A form of virgin birth has been found in wild vertebrates
for the first time.
Researchers in the US caught pregnant females from two snake
species and genetically analysed the litters.
That proved the North American pit vipers reproduced without
a male, a phenomenon called facultative parthenogenesis that has previously
been found only in captive species.
Scientists say the findings could change our understanding
of animal reproduction and vertebrate evolution.
It was thought to be extremely rare for a normally sexual species
to reproduce asexually.
First identified in domestic chickens, such "virgin
births" have been reported in recent years in a few snake, shark, lizard
and bird species.
Crucially though, all such virgin births have occurred in
captivity, to females kept away from males.
Virgin births in vertebrates in general have been viewed as
"evolutionary novelties", said Warren Booth, from the University of
Tulsa, Oklahoma, US.
Professor Booth is lead author of a paper published in the
Royal Society's Biological Letters that
challenges this label.
He and his collaborators investigated virgin births in wild
populations of two geographically separated and long-studied species of snake.
“Start Quote
The frequency is what really shocked us”
Dr Warren BoothUniversity of Tulsa
They captured pregnant copperhead and cottonmouth female
pit-vipers from the field, where males were present.
The snakes gave birth, allowing the scientists to study the
physical and genetic characteristics of the litters.
Of the 22 copperheads, the scientists found one female that
must have had a virgin birth.
Another single virgin birth occurred within the 37
cottonmouth litters.
"I think the frequency is what really shocked us,"
said Prof Booth.
"That's between 2.5 and 5% of litters produced in these
populations may be resulting from parthenogenesis.
"That's quite remarkable for something that has been
considered an evolutionary novelty," he said.
Sex or no sex
A virgin birth, or parthenogenesis, is when an egg grows and
develops without being fertilised by sperm.
It results in offspring that only have their mother's
genetic material; no fatherly contribution is required.
This is not uncommon in invertebrates such as aphids, bees
and ants.
It also happens in a few all-female species of lizard;
geckos and whiptails for example. But here it occurs across a generation; all
females reproduce asexually via a process called obligate parthenogenesis.
But asexual reproduction by a normally sexual vertebrate
species is still rare, having been reported in under 0.1% of species.
It was only in the mid-1990s that virgin births began to be
documented in captive snakes, followed by a captive giant lizard in 2006 and a
captive shark in 2007.
All-female species, such as some whiptail lizards, reproduce
To date this now includes around 10 species of snakes
including a couple of boas, and a python, four species of shark, and several
monitor lizards, including the endangered Komodo dragon.
Recently the zebra finch and Chinese painted quail were
added to the list. All were kept in isolation in unnatural conditions and away
from any males.
So to find asexual reproduction in two species of snake in
the wild on their first attempt was "astounding", according to Prof
Booth and his collaborators.
Virgin births should no longer be viewed as "some rare
curiosity outside the mainstream of evolution," he said.
Evolutionary dead-end?
It remains unclear whether the female snakes actively select
to reproduce this way, or whether the virgin births are triggered by some other
factor, such as a virus or bacterial infection.
"Any answer is pure speculation at this point,"
says Prof Booth.
In captivity, two sharks, and three snakes, have been shown
to have had multiple virgin births, producing more than one litter via
facultative parthenogenesis.
As yet, it also remains unclear whether the offspring of
these wild virgin births can themselves go on to have normal, or virgin births
of their own.
In captive snakes studied so far, offspring have so far not
been proved viable, that is capable of surviving and reproducing.
Cottonmouth pit vipers are capable of virgin births in the
However, earlier this year Prof Booth and colleagues
reported that a checkered gartersnake that has had consecutive virgin births,
appears to have produced viable male offspring.
Parthenogenicly born copperheads and cottonmouths are also
currently being raised and "in the next two to three years we will know if
they are indeed viable," said Prof Booth.
"If they cannot survive and reproduce, then this is a
reproductive dead-end.
"However, if they are healthy and can reproduce, that
opens an entirely new avenue for research," he said.
Being able to switch from sexual to asexual reproduction
could be advantageous; in the absence of males a female could still give birth
and start a new, albeit inbred, population.
Her genes could still be passed on via her fertile male
Scientists believe that facultative parthenogenesis is more
common in some lineages such as reptiles and sharks.
However it is unlikely that similar virgin births will be
found among placental mammals, which include all the mammals aside from the
platypus and echidnas.
That is because mammals require a process called genomic
imprinting to reproduce, where a set of genes from one parent dominates over
the other. The interaction between the two sets of parental genes is required
for embryos to develop normally.
Single sex
- Watch the miraculous offspring of a lone dragon
- Marvel at an aphid creating clone daughters
- See the lesbian legacy of the whiptail lizards
These news has been taken from BBC