06 September, 2012

10 Signs That You’re Fully Awake

           Isn’t it obvious that there is a significant global awakening happening? Just as the Mayans predicted so many years ago, the apocalypse would become apparent in 2012. But many misinterpret the apocalypse to be the end of the world, when in fact it actually means an “un-covering, a revelation of something hidden.”

         As many continue to argue the accuracy of the Mayan calendar, it can no longer be argued that a great many people are finally becoming aware of what has been hidden from them for so long. Of course this awakening is not an overnight process. It takes time to peel away the many layers of lies to get to the core of the ultimate truths.
        It would be beyond pretentious for us to claim to know all of the secrets of the universe. We don’t. Everyday we are humbled by what we don’t yet know.
       However, it is becoming clearer by the day what isn’t true. And by that measure alone, it is possible to determine if you’re one of the people beginning to wake up.
Here are ten signs you may be fully awake:
1. You know there’s no meaningful difference between major political parties (Democrats and Republicans): It’s so easy to get caught up the left-right debate and believe there’s a difference between the two major political parties. However, debate is one thing, while actions are another. By their deeds you shall know them, and it is indisputable that there is no significant difference between political parties when it comes to action on the most important issues. Even hardened ideologues likeJohn Cusack are beginning to wake up.
2. You understand that the Federal Reserve, or international central banking more broadly, is the engine of our economic problems: Debt slavery is the totalitarian force that threatens all of humanity, not some temporary political puppet or some greedy Wall Street trader. When a small group of people have the ability to create wealth out of nothing and charge interest on it, they have the ability to enslave the planet to their ownership despite what type of government a country claims to have.
3. You know that preemptive war is never necessary:  When we realize that self-defense is the only acceptable form of violence, then we become awakened human beings. To suggest war because someone is different from you, or they may pose a threat in the future is simply ludicrous. And when did the idea of bombing civilians become humanitarian? No one wants war except for the immoral creeps that benefit from it. 
4. You know that you’re being systematically poisoned, how, by whom, and why: Admittedly, there’s a lot to learn in terms of how we are secretly being poisoned. But the fact remains that we are being systematically poisoned, and it is likely for the deliberate purpose of dumbing us down and, ultimately, culling the population. Who could believe anyone is so evil to do that to innocent people, you may ask. Well, once you begin to seek the answer to that question, you’re one step closer to enlightenment.
5. You understand that government can never legislate morality, nor should they: When you realize the role of government is only to protect your liberty and work for the well being of the citizens, you’re awakened. There should be one simple law regulating morality: Do no harm. Thus, it’s impossible for the government to enforce morality with guns, cages, and taxes because those clearly cause severe harm to your liberty and our well-being.
6. You know that the mainstream media is wholly owned and manipulated by the ruling elite: Adwindling number of people still actually believe what they hear coming from the establishment media as if it’s gospel, even when they already accept that they are bought and paid for by the elite controllers. Yet, recognizing that they are nothing more than a propaganda machine and a form of mind control are the first steps in being able to critically think beyond the scientific messaging they broadcast.
7. You know that your neighbors are not your enemy even if you have fierce ideological disagreements: This is perhaps the most difficult thing to overcome in the awakening process. But it’s vital to understand that your neighbors have been indoctrinated and hypnotized like the rest of the us, until someone helps shine a light on inconsistencies in our thoughts and beliefs. Most of their ideas are not their own. They are suffering just like the rest of us. It’s okay to condemn their actions if they’re harmful, but those who are awake will not give up on spreading information that can enlighten those who might still be in the dark. None of us were born “awake” and all of us can learn even more.
8. You know that the endgame is one-world control of planet Earth: Once you understand that the endgame for the ruling elite is to have complete control of all vital facets of society through a global government, one-world currency, international armed forces, and so on, it is simple to see through the lies and propaganda surrounding even the most confusing world events. You will never go back to sleep when you fully accept this reality.
9. You recognize that there are esoteric powers manipulating our physical world: Whether you’re a religious or spiritual person, scientific or just plain curious, there are many theories about an invisible force at play in all of this. Obviously it’s impossible to prove exactly what it is. You may not want to believe it, but the ruling elite takes their occult rituals deadly serious. And they likely know something we don’t. Just by keeping an open mind about this possibility, you’ll forever keep an open mind about the things we can actually see, hear, taste and touch. Current science has shown that we can only “see” what the visible light spectrum reveals, which amounts to the tiniest fraction of all that can theoretically be seen within the full spectrum of energy. Part of any awakening is realizing that there is much more that is possible than impossible.
10. The power to change the world rests with you and you alone: For too long people have believed themselves to be weak, or relied on others to change the world for them. You’ll know that you’re fully awake when you realize that you have infinite power to change the world by simply living the change you want to see. First, you have to identify the principles that you believe in and then go out and live by them. If just a small minority took steps to do this, it would shake the establishment to its core.
                             ...........................What kind of world do you want to live in???.........................

Obama Kicks Israel In The Nuts: Why This Could Be Really Bad.

           The message that the U.S. conveyed to Iran via the most sensitive secret channels is unequivocal: if Israel attacks, we won’t stand behind her and we won’t be drawn into war.
     In recent days, senior American administration officials turned to their Iranian counterparts via two countries in Europe which act as a back-channel during times of crisis. They made clear to the Iranians that the U.S. does not intend to be sucked into a campaign if Israel decides to strike unilaterally and without advance coordination [with the U.S.], and they said that they expect from Iran that it will not attack strategic American targets in the Persian Gulf.”
           Based on what we know of Obama’s childhood, coupled with his 57 states gaffe during the 2008 campaign (there are 50 states of the United States, but the commoly accepted number of Muslim states is 57), it’s clear Obama is, in fact, a Muslim despite any assurances to the contrary. (His 20 year span of listening to Rev. Wright doesn’t count as anything other than listening to “hate whitey” speeches)
          Obama has repeatedly delayed military equipment shipments to Israel. ( Interestingly, most American Jews support Obama since most are far left wingers, as is our Marxist Dear Leader.) This was done in an obvious effort to thwart an Israeli attack on Iran. It may be a surprise to know that Israel has a somewhat limited cache of conventional weapons, although an Israeli defector confirmed that Israel has over 300 atomic bombs.

          Israeli F-15 fighter aircraft number around 87, while there are in the neighborhood of 340 F-16′s. Israel has only five or so large refueling tankers. So, why no U.S. outrage over Israel’s 300 nukes, but a great cry over Iran’s nuclear program? The thinking, of course, is that Israel is run by a bunch of mature, level-headed conservatives chosen by God ( Interestingly, the book of Revelation states that the final Jewish remnant wil be 144,000–give that some thought in relation to the total number of people out there who claim to be Jewish), while Iran is led by a few insane Muslim clerics. Thus, Iran is a much greater threat. ( Um, yeah, OK )
            Now, let’s get to the meat of the problem. Israel feels it MUST hit Iran soon, but the U.S. has just made crystal clear its intention to not help Israel. ( You may be surprised to learn that there are no mutual assistance defense treaties between Israel and the U.S., but we have been their butt buddy since the 1950′s so Congress would likely authorize aid and assistance, but there is a wee problem with that.)
            The problem is that Obama has been replacing our regular military leaders with those who put politics above national interest and national survival.
           The assumption has been that we are building up a large military presence in the Gulf region to assist Israel. The hard truth may be that we will use those forces to help Iran against Israel. Romney will help Israel, but Israel may not be able to wait until election day to attack Iran. Without U.S. help, Israel would be forced to use at least a few small nukes to defeat Iran. At that point, various treaty obligations would kick in with countries such as China and Russia and we would have a real big issue that would result……………..WWIII.
          There is much chatter on the internet about something big happening soon. I believe those feelings are correct and the incident will involve millions of casualties.

04 September, 2012

Sky Drive: A New Application Launch By Microsoft for Android

           Microsoft earlier this month has come up with new and highly improved version of Skydrive. Installed with an impressive look and feel, the improved design of this mobile application closely mimics the over all appeal of Microsoft Windows 8 Metro UI. Although during the year, Microsoft promised to launch the series of most intelligent mobile  apps as well as services  but due to some reasons it derailed the whole process of development. The reason for derailing the whole process of applications launch was the Microsoft’s collaboration with Nokia. As the result of this collaboration, Microsoft paid more focus on the development of windows 8 software for Nokia and  Sky Drive launch for Android phones got more delayed.

         Before the launch of this application in the month of August 2012, the dummy version of Sky Drive was released  much earlier in the Google play store. Today if you want to make the best use of the Sky Drive application on Android phones, you would first need to upgrade your handsets to Android 2.3 and  much above versions on which this application can perform its operations with a great ease. 

         Through Android app, you can get easy access to all the documents you have saved on this Sky Drive services. This above mentioned feature share some similar faculties with the apps of Windows and iOS phone. For the office goers especially, Sky Drive can most surely be the best storage device. Right from storing the heavy word files to using the notepad for instant usage , you all together can perform wide array of tasks this mobile app. There are many smart as well as Symbian phones available in the market who are incapable of using the Sky Drive  services. The mobile application development team of some of the big brands although tried their best to create the storage device or services similar to the Sky Drive but eventually they were able to gain success up to the half way. No mobile application development company in this world has been able to develop much advance storage space or say services as like done by the Microsoft by developing niche applications like Sky Drive.  

Uses of Sky Drive:
       As of now Android has joined hand with the Sky Drive, the mobile phone application users can open all types of documents which have recently been shared with you and other new documents which you are indeed planning to open for performing some new tasks. With the help of Android apps, you can most certainly open all types of documents and later on, you can upload these documents on Sky Drive instantly. However for the offline usage, this application doesn’t allows to cache the copied or local pages for the regular user. All the documents can most certainly be opened through internet or valid online connection. All together, an online 24 hours connectivity is indeed must for using these services.
The improvements implemented by the Microsoft have in fact pushed popularity of this application to new heights and right from a common man to a big  business magnet every one is utilizing this apps for the personal as well as official use too. In the current scenario, Microsoft is making its full attempt to promote two of its services which includes One Note and other is SkyDrive. The reason why it is pushing these services in the online world  is its expectations to earn  maximized returns on investments. The other reason why this software giant is looking to promote this newly launched applications is its desire to attain an edge over its other competitors have their huge presence in the online world.  

Future Scenario and Competence:
        Sugar Sync, Drop Box, Google Drive and Apple’s I cloud are some of the competing services with which SkyDrive has direct competition. But still in-spite of the tough competition in the global IT market, Microsoft’s SkyDrive has been able stand off beat in the crowd. With its whooping 7 GB space, this mob app is much better and  cheaper than other application available on the online world. In this  line, there are still immense number of mobile application development companies who are trying to hatch a deal with Microsoft and want to make their brands more famous. The name of these companies haven’t been put in to lime light by world media.

Best free Apps to measure your broadband speed

        If you are using internet on your smartphone then it is very important that you know the speed of your broadband connection. Almost 80% of broadband users are unaware of the speed of their connection. By knowing the speed of your broadband connection you can actually determine the speed you are paying your provider for and how much you are actually receiving. Measuring your broadband speed is not a difficult task; it is, in fact, very easy as there are various applications available that help you to perform a broadband speed testHere is the list of the best apps that are available in the market to measure the speed of your broadband:

¨       Speedtest.net mobile app: this application is accessible by all the ios and android mobile users. This app makes complete use of the global Speedtest.net infrastructure and stores the results of the test locally and also on the internet for sharing purposes. This application works on cellular networks as well as on Wi-Fi connections.

¨       GIST app:  if you do not have an ios or android smartphone don’t worry, you still have options present for speed testing. Cisco Global Internet Speed Test (GIST) app is specially designed for all the blackberry users. This app is widely used by all the present blackberry users and has provided accurate speed results to all the users.

¨       FCC mobile broadband test: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) broadband has provided the best mobile app to its customers for testing the internet speed. This app informs its users about the speed and also the quality of their mobile data connection. It tests all the speed including uploading time, downloading time and also the latency of your mobile broadband connection. The results of the test are shared through an e-mail.

¨       Bandwidth app: this app is specially designed for all Windows 7 users. This app is used for testing the speed of the broadband connection for all the users of Windows phones. It provides quick and accurate results regarding the internet speed.
All the speed testing apps mentioned above are available for free and provide accurate results for the broadband test conducted. The three different things considered by these applications while measuring the broadband speed are:
  1. The time taken to receive files from the internet (the download time)
  2. The speed at which the files are sent to the internet that is (the upload time)
  3. The round-trip latency of the connection
Considering the above factors the actual speed of the connection is determined.

Defeating Google Penguin At It’s Own Game

                When you speak about the Google penguin attack to most people they think your talking about a real bird attack on humans. But if your one of those people around the web who have a website such as I then you know what this Penguin thing is. Its just the name Google gave to its latest algorithm update that not onlyhit my site but also hit many of the well know sites you and I read daily.

                So the reason for this update was to get rid of those so called over the top optimize websites that looked to get a edge in the search engines. They wanted to mimesis these sites in the form of not removing them from the index but just moving down their rankings for most of their keywords. This meant a big drop in traffic for those high authority websites and those mini niche sites that had some sort of traffic coming in.
               Mainly as I can see they hit those content sites and didn’t really hurt many of those so called authority sites. Something like this made me think for a moment and just wondering about all the millions of website that was affected which was said over 50 Million websites or more.

               To know whether or not you was affected by this awful update then I say run over to your Google Analytics and check the April 2012 month. If you see a big drop in traffic then you may have been a victim and its time to do something about getting that traffic back.
Just understand that if your site was hit it was mainly because of a number of reasons. The top reason is that your on page seo tact’s triggered the new update or the off page links you have out there are attached to a spam site which is affected your ranking.

                My solution to this is for you to follow my lead here and maybe sooner or later your be back on top gaining traffic from the world wide web..

Antonio’s Top 3 Penguin Attacks:

1. Quality Content Before On Site SEO: Don’t try to make each page seo friendly because this is the red flag for getting your search terms dropped. Its goes back to the old notion of writing for the readers and the search engine will measure the time on that page to determine how that will rank that content…”but you must have Google Analytics on your site for to be tracked”
2. Follow The Rules: Google Webmaster have rules you need to follow if you want to be incompliance with their policy. So for that reason you need to make sure to delete copied content, door way pages, stuff keywords content on pages and pages that redirect to other pages.
3. Check Backlinks Trails: Focus on high quality backlinks and stay away from those low quality forums and website directories that just hurts your ranking. You have to keep away bad links and stay up-to-date on those links you build from your seo methods. One way of doing this is by using Majestic SEO which gives you everything you need from A to Z. So if you do find someone linking to you from a low quality site then you can contact them and ask them to remove it..just that simple.

             Just understand no one have the magic pill to solve all this Penguin stuff but if you stay consistent then good things will happen. Create good high quality backlinks and keep your on page content as high quality as possible. So make today the day it all come together and you start the process of improving your seo performance.